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Extended access
Posted or Updated on 7 Aug 2024
GP and Nurse appointments are now also available on evening and weekends at local centres.
We can fix the appointments here through our receptionists if you want to benefit from this. This is a government scheme to improve access out of hours. They do not need to be urgent nor emergencies.
Our understanding is that they will have access to your records if you want to use this service and they will liaise with our practice to ensure continuity. You will remain registered with Stopgate Lane Medical Centre.
It’s a new service to for all patients and will in particular benefit patients who work in normal day time hours. Please let us know what the service is like.
The centres close to us that will provide this are in Old Swan, Childwall Fiveways and Townsend Medical Centre. Download for further details of the locations available and how to reach them (PDF, 429KB).